The furniture from the Outreach Program as been moved to Reference and Readers Advisory. Moved along with the furniture are the phone and computer. All calls for Homebound Services can be directed to 553-0233 (233).
I am pleased to announce that Daniel Gaghan's job with the library district will change effective June 1 to ILS & Databases Librarian. Daniel will oversee all things Sirsi plus related applications such as Bibliocommons. He also will continue to oversee PCCLD's online subscription da
The Rawlings Library Manager job opening has been posted on the library’s website. See it at This job is a senior level managerial position that will oversee the public service operations at the Rawlings Library and related activities.
Youth Services folks have been working so hard to bring you some awesome events this month! These are programs that YS staff will bring to each location (unless other arrangements have been made). We ask that you PLEASE promote these in your locations so our turnout is awesome!
The InfoZone Theater will be closed beginning April 1 to begin upgrading the technology in the theater. Movies and other programs that are currently held in the theater have been moved to other meeting rooms during the renovation period.
Beginning April 7th, PCCLD will stop sending paper notifications to customers with the exception of Final Bill Notices. So hold notifications, failed call notifcations, and overdue notices will not be mailed.
Since February 1st four teams at PCCLD have been competing in the Spring Into Action, Weigh and Win Challenge. The Challenge will run through April 30th. The current standings are as follows:
The 613's (Youth Services) is in the lead at PCCLD with a 1.05 lbs average weight loss for the team. They currently rank 3rd place in Pueblo out of 12 teams and are 75th in the State out of 263 participating teams.