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Youth Summer Reading Registration Incentive!

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:
Summer Reading is right around the corner – and we are spreading the word!  You might be participating in school promotions, Most Improved Reader presentations, community outreaches, etc – and in doing this you are helping everyone know what awesome things the library has in store for all ages!
The Youth Summer Reading registration Incentive is a little bit different this year.  Thanks so much to Abby Koehler and David Hayden for helping me come up with a fair way to determine a baseline so we can know what our goal for Youth Summer Reading registration is.   Our registration this year will determine next year’s baselines, so it will be less complex.
Last year we had 7,074 registrations in our Pre-Reader, Reader and Teen games – combined.  That was a HUGE registration total for us, and congratulations again for doing that!  7,074 is 34% of our total 20,508 library card holders who are ages 0-18.  SO – Abby investigated the total library card holders for each location – and every location’s goal is to register at least 34% of their 0-18 year old card holders for Summer Reading.  Then, the winner of the incentive will be the location that registers the highest percent OVER that goal number. 
This might sound complex – but below are your goals.  Meeting these goals is awesome – but exceeding them by the highest percent will make you the incentive winner.  Please let me know if you have any questions about how I have determined these numbers:
Barkman  – 725
Giodone and Avondale – 147
Greenhorn Valley and Beulah – 109
Lamb – 824
Library at the Y – 50
Lucero - 56
Pueblo West – 1335
Rawlings – 3827
Reviewing the registration totals from last year, these are very achievable goals!  This year, the prize is the same as last year.  Your team will take field trip to the library of your choice (within driving distance – no overnights), and lunch!
At this time, please stop using Reading Record for testing.  I will send you complete details about how to access it and utilize it when we GO LIVE!  (Just waiting on the developer to confirm a date.)

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