Dear Pueblo City-County Library District employee,
We hope you are well. Our activities have shifted dramatically since the onset of the public health crisis in March and the consequent closure of library buildings to the public with little warning beginning on March 14.
Are you seeking new opportunities within the library? We have several new job postings: Use the internal job posing link.
Full-time Program & Outreach Coordinator -GHVL
Full-time Librarian- Barkman
Part-time Librarian- Pueblo West
Books in the Park Assistant- Seasonal
We would like to welcome our newest members of the PCCLD team! Eric Tiffany has joined the IT Department as a Help Desk Technician. Lou Archuleta is the new Security Officer at PW, and Del Stanley and Emiliano Trujillo join us as Security Officer Substitutes. Welcome!
Dear PCCLD employee,
We hope you are well. The Library District’s services have shifted dramatically in recent weeks since the onset of the public health crisis. PCCLD’s online and virtual presence has been our “go to” services since March 13 when library buildings closed to the public.
PUEBLO, Colo. — Starting Monday, May 4, Pueblo City-County Library District will offer curbside pickup and mail service delivery of library materials. Additionally, all outdoor book drops will reopen at Barkman, Greenhorn Valley, Tom L. and Anna Marie Giodone, Lamb, Patrick A.
Good day, PCCLD,
KRCC (Colorado Public Radio) is running this story now on radio about PCCLD's online work during the COVID-19 public health crisis:
Our own Amy Nelson is featured in the audio