We are pleased with PCCLD’s reopening progress and appreciate the great team effort that enables this. Our first few days of computer-by-appointment service has gone well, and our ongoing virtual and curbside programs remain robust. Today, we are pleased to announce “all systems go” to reopen libraries further for limited collection browsing to commence this Friday, June 26. We have anticipated starting this for a while, so preparations have been underway for some time.
Collection browsing will allow a limited number of people inside library buildings to access and checkout books and other library materials. A defined number of patrons will be welcomed into library buildings first-come/first-serve to browse collections with a 30-minute time limit. Security guards will screen patrons before entry in the same manner as the computer-by-appointment service and social distancing rules will remain in effect. Staff will be present at nearly all public service desks 12noon-6pm, Monday-Saturday (and 1-5pm, Sunday at Rawlings) to assist with computer use and collection browsing. Most public seating will remain unavailable because “hanging out” for extended periods to read, study, or similar activities will not be allowed. The following locations will remain closed for now: Rawlings Library’s 4th floor InfoZone Museum, Beulah Satellite, Avondale Satellite, PCC Satellite, and CSU-Pueblo Satellite. The Library @ the Y will continue with curbside and call center services. Kayci Barnett, Giodone Library Manager and the library’s Lead Trainer, will release a one-hour training video about the collection browsing service by Tuesday with additional important details. All employees must complete this one-hour training program before Friday, June 26.
The browsing service—like everything else we are doing—is carefully aligned with current public health orders. Your supervisor is apprised of this plan along with additional details. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or either of us with questions.
COVID-19 remains well managed at this time in our community although it is still a concern. We anticipate reopening even more library services as public health orders become less strict down the road. When the time is right, we will expand the hours of public access inside buildings, restart onsite library programs, and reopen reading tables, study areas, and meeting rooms. Throughout all of this, our actions will line up with guidance from state health officials, the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment, and federal agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
PCCLD services remain fluid. Staff ingenuity and engagement with the new curbside and virtual programming services has been exemplary, and it is important to continue to support these even as we reopen in other ways. We understand that allowing more members of the public inside library buildings will require staff to be present more often at service desks and, so, curbside and virtual programming efforts may need to moderate.
We appreciate your flexibility and service.
Jon Walker
Executive Director
Sherri Baca
Associate Executive Director