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Drumroll please....

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:

First of all - I need to share that I entered the wrong info last week. I said we had over 6,000 kids registered for Summer Reading last year - and I was wrong. I had inadvertently added another figure to our total to get that number.

Finance Tip of the Week - Driving for PCCLD

Author: Visitor (not verified) / Date:

If you ever need to drive the Mazda passenger van or any of the PCCLD vehicles, you need to have a current DMV report on file to get your name on the Driver's List.  To find out if you're on the list already, contact Katie Hunt in Finance.

When the Gates Go Off

Author: Kayci.Barnett / Date:

I'd like to ask the help of all the staff.  If you happen to be by the gates when they go off, please, ask the person to go to the front desk.

Responding to Gang Activity Discussion - Video Posted

Author: Visitor (not verified) / Date:

Video of the session, Responding to Gang Activity: a discussion with Officer Shelly Taylor, is now available on the Portal at:

Be safe!

Come try out the new furniture!

Author: amy.martin / Date:

Have you recently walked past Outreach and wondered if we are redecorating the office?!!  The new furniture you may have noticed includes items that we will be purchasing for the new libraries.

Summer Reading Update

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:

Happy Tuesday!  Time for your Summer Reading Update!  

PW bike thief spotted near Rawlings

Author: Visitor (not verified) / Date:

Please keep your eye out for the person in the attached photo. He stole a bicycle from PW a couple of weeks ago, and I saw him riding 'his' bike near Rawlings on Monday the 23rd. If anyone is able to identify him, please let me know so I can pass that info on to the sheriff's office.

Library is PW Chamber member of the month

Author: Visitor (not verified) / Date:
On Thursday, June 19th members of the Pueblo West Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors presented library staff with a banner and plaque to mark our election as Member of the Month. This is a nice honor, and we enjoy collaborating with the Chamber and other organizations to share our great services and resources to the community.

Key Results Keep Climbing!

Author: jon.walker / Date:
Our key results keep climbing! We are a little more than 40% through the calendar year at the end of May, and library business is brisk. We have checked out 846,086 items through May throughout the district, which puts us approximately 45% toward our key result goal for the year.
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Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency


Custodial Emergency


If there is no answer call the Assistant Facilities Superintendent at 719-240-1964
or Facilities Superintendent at 719-717-0822.
For all other facilities needs please submit a facilities work order.