The new libraries continue to make good progress toward completion this fall. H. W. Houston, the construction contractor, currently estimates substantial construction will be complete for the Greenhorn Valley Library in early September, the Mesa Library by the middle of September, and the Lucero Library in October. Various PCCLD staff members have been working to ensure that furniture, materials, and equipment will be installed and ready to go for grand openings of each of three new libraries in October and November. Al Perea is overseeing readying new appliances and shelving, Amy Martin is in charge of procuring furniture, Diann Logie is working on signage, Charles Hutchins is overseeing technology, Teresa Valenti is supervising collection development, Sara Rose and Michael Cox are working on the staffing plan, and Midori Clark is looking after fundraising and opening day celebrations.
Stay tuned as we should be announcing grand opening dates next month.
Stay tuned as we should be announcing grand opening dates next month.