Vigil, Nadine

Nadine Vigil is part of a Mother/Son conspiracy; George Vigil is the son. They have stolen many video games from the hold shelves from lamb, PW and Barkman. The latest theft occurred at Barkman on July 24, 2014.
7/3/2015 – Suspension extended for violating the terms of her suspension at Giodone

Nadine Vigil has been reinstated as of 05/20/2019 and has full
access to all libraries.


Z Unknown thief

This patron has been reinstated. The patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without any further verifiable documentation, incidents, or occurrences. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 07/23/2015. 

This person has been suspended from all of the libraries-his name is unknown but has been seen stealing video games from the hold shelves. Working with Amanda Sanders and Nadine and George Vigil.

Top Check-Outs for July

Author: Michelle Vigil / Date:
Curious about what the top monthly circulation check-outs are?

Finance Tip of the Week - E-Requester Budget box

Author: Visitor (not verified) / Date:
Good morning, all! We have recently undergone an upgrade of E-Requester, and although it looks very much like the old version, there are just a couple of updates we want to bring to your attention: 1.

Key Results Continue to Impress

Author: jon.walker / Date:
Everyone is doing an amazing job on our Key Results. Midway through the year, PCCLD is on track to exceed annual goals for each of our four Key Results. For circulation, we stand at 1,073,260 through June 30. At the current pace we could easily surpass two million checkouts in 2014.

Summer Reading - blowing our numbers OUT OF THE WATER!

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:

Good Afternoon!

Summer reading participation is UP - UP - UP and it is so exciting! This year we are breaking records left and right!

At this point in time, we have 6,750 kids from 0-18 who are excited about reading this summer!  

Medina, Marina

This patron has been reinstated. The patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without any further verifiable documentation, incidents, or occurrences. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 07/17/2015. 

Suspended for theft of a book.

Laptops redistributed

Author: Visitor (not verified) / Date:
Laptops have been reallocated and everyone should have at least 4 active laptops now. The Acer laptops live at our branches, and the Dell's live at Rawlings. This is because of the charging carts needing to be configured for the different types.

Corporate Cup

Author: jill.deulen / Date:
Corporate Cup is just around the corner!!! For those of you who don't know what that is, Corporate Cup is sponsored by the YMCA and is a series of events and competitions played between local businesses. The kickoff is Saturday September 13th and it runs through September 28th.
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Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.