What do you do to provide excellent customer service?

Author: Visitor (not verified) / Date:
Responses to this question from the recent Customer Service Survey demonstrate some of the many ways in which we are getting service right! Here is a sample:

People often feel stupid asking computer questions and I try to assure them that everyone has to learn "this stuff" at some point, so they shouldn't hesitate to ask.
Look for people struggling and offer assistance.
Making them feel that I enjoy helping them (which is true!)
If I'm not helping someone, I remain available.
Listen to the customer and show sincere interest in their needs and interests.
I strive to weave additional library resources into the interaction.
I think that having good manners and being pleasant even if someone is not polite in return is a teaching opportunity.

Remain personable and unpresuming.
I look for patrons who may be taking a few extra minutes searching the catalog or looking through the shelves and approach them.
If a patron came looking for an item and we have to put it on hold, I try to find another item available for checkout so that he/she doesn't leave empty-handed.
A younger woman who I had never seen before came in and ask for the psychology books I showed her the area and I realized she seems lost so I ask her to narrow down the subject a little more. She broke down crying and told me her baby had died from SIDS a few weeks ago and she need some help with her grief. I found her a book about coping with Sudden Infant Death. I also looked up a local support  group in Colorado Springs. Months later she came back to the library and thanked me for that because the group helped her.
I would love to see us move to a customer service model that encourages us to engage our customers and not just respond to questions.
If I get a question I ca not answer, I seek a co-worker to run it by and maybe get another angle on the answer to the customer's question.
I engage customers with the new technologies
I ask if there is anything else I can help them with when I complete what they have asked me to help them with.
I try to remember people and interact with them so that they feel comfortable coming to our library and want to come back again.
Promote the library in a positive way! And always be smiling.
Our patrons -our community- appreciate a personal touch. It seems obvious but, just having a friendly helpful attitude goes a long way.
I try to remember the regulars and what they ask for.
If I cannot help them without further research, I take their name and number down.
Remind customers about upcoming programs that they would be interested in attending.
Walk people through computer issues like setting up email accounts, printing, etc.
Know the needs of your customers (some customers need more assistance than others, be aware of that)
Suggest resources they may not know of.
I bring a positive and upbeat personality, no matter how I'm feeling on the inside that day.

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