
Individual has gone through appropriate channels to gain back privileges.


This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 04/26/2018. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident. 

Intoxication of either drugs or alcohol, kept bothering patrons outside near the courtyard and loitering. 

Bryan Clement

This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 04/23/2019. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident. 

Pulled a chair out from under another patron, causing him to fall to the floor.

Violation dates: 11/25/2017 Youth Services computers 11:15 am

Unknown names

This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 10/19/2019. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident.  

Teens who vandalized a study room Giodone branch.

Gabriel Trujillo

Gabriel Trujillo is reinstated as of 02/11/2020.

In library at unauthorized times-Trespassing. 

Violation dates:

11/9 Was inside
Barkman library during the afternoon was told he was suspended from all branches not just Rawlings.
11/21 Left
Barkman library after being told he was suspended and grabbed a newspaper and destroyed it.



This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 10/06/2018. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident. 

Substance Abuse on library grounds.


This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 10/06/2018. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident. 

Substance Abuse on library grounds.


This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 01/03/2018. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident. 

Patron was sleeping in library and when asked multiple times by staff and security not to sleep.  Patron got upset started cursing at security and staff and threw chair at table.

Wirth, Mark

This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 07/03/2018. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident. 

Harassment, disruptive behavior, Threats
Subscribe to Reinstated

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.