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Mixed Reality Grant

Author: Kayci.Barnett / Date:
I wanted to share that with the help of Maria Tucker and Nichole Lawless Pueblo Library has been awarded two Microsoft Mixed Reality Headsets. We look forward to sharing them with the district.

All Pueblo Reads video update

Author: Midori.Clark / Date:
All Pueblo Reads is just a few short weeks away! Here's a video update of what the Community Relations team is working on. I'll be posting short videos weekly throughout the project.

Harry Dove

07/28/2018 Suspended for sleeping, vulagar language, and disorderly.

Harry Dove DOB: 07/28/1998 Tresspassing under suspension. Creating a disturbance; law enforcement responded. Suspension extended until 06/26/2019.

Harry Dove suspended for 12 months on 05/23/2019 for trespass, possession of a controlled substance, and possession of a concealed weapon. Dove is eligible for reinsttement on 05/23/2020.


CSU-Pueblo Department of Engineering Open House - Sept 29th

Author: derrick.mason / Date:
CSU-Pueblo Department of Engineering Open House Saturday Sept. 29th 9:30-11:30 am 1st floor of the Technology Building South End of CSU-Pueblo campus Room 140. Computer classroom. Demonstrations of computer simulations. Room 132. 3D printing and robotics lab. See our newly redesigned lab.

Monday Meeting Rooms: Room Setup Work Orders

Author: Sarah.Meador / Date:
Hello! Welcome to the "Monday Meeting Rooms" series! On some Mondays you'll see a post with a meeting rooms reminder! This Monday's topic: Room Setup Work Orders Currently staff are responsible for submitting work orders for furniture setup for their programs.

Farewell to Matthew and Rachael Parlier

Author: terri.daly / Date:
Matthew and Rachael Parlier will be leaving the Pueblo area, thus leaving PCCLD, on September 24. Matthew is currently serving as Library Specialist at the Barkman branch and Rachael as Librarian/Library Specialist at the Lamb branch.

Tammy McCain

Harassing customer against restraining order, using obscene language, creating a disturbance at the Rawlings Library.  Suspended until September 24, 2018, eligible for reinstatement.

Patron is required to set a reinstatement meeting with the PCCLD Security Supervisor or designee. 02/22/2022.

Richard McCall

Sexual misconduct at Barkman Library, harassing staff.
 Suspended until 7-5-2019, eligible for reinstatement.

Patron has been reinstated. Patron served the suspension term plus additional time without further occurrences/incidents. 

​Reinstated 02/22/2022. 

Forrest Weikel

Threatening library staff at Pueblo West Library.  Suspended until July 9, 2018, eligible for reinstatement.

Weikel has been reinstated at Pueblo West and all libraries,
affective 02/20/2019.

PCCLD on the front page of the paper!

Author: Midori.Clark / Date:
A wonderful recognition of our amazing year! Congratulations to all of us and way to go!
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Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency


Custodial Emergency


If there is no answer call the Assistant Facilities Superintendent at 719-240-1964
or Facilities Superintendent at 719-717-0822.
For all other facilities needs please submit a facilities work order.