Rawlings Library Renovation Project

Author: jon.walker / Date:
PCCLD has made significant progress toward a comprehensive remodeling project for the Rawlings Library.

Congratulations Regina Renee Ward!

Author: Sherri.Baca / Date:
Congratulations to Regina Renee Ward for being awarded the Colorado Association of Libraries Equity Diversity and Inclusion Award.

PCCLD Status Update August 24

Author: jon.walker / Date:
The next phase in PCCLD’s reopening progress commences Tuesday, September 8. Most libraries will return to normal in-building hours of service on this date.

Reference Counts Winners!

Author: amy.nelson / Date:
Hello, PCCLD! I would like to congratulate Crystal Talley and Lise Christofferson for being the first to correctly identify the image that I sent to all staff on Tuesday. Both correct submissions were received within one minute of each other, so they will both receive a gift card to Gypsy Java!

Library to distribute Chromebook kits to area students in need

Author: Ann.Boyden / Date:
PUEBLO, Colo. ­— Thanks to a generous grant, 275 school kids throughout Pueblo County will have their own Google Chromebooks to keep them engaged during the summer and better prepared for the upcoming school year. Pueblo City-County Library District was awarded a grant from the Sperry S.

Sunday Library Services

Author: jon.walker / Date:
The Rawlings Library will not open to the public on Sundays until further notice. This is due to the ongoing endangerment to public safety in the immediate area of that library on Sundays.

Keep counting reference questions!

Author: amy.nelson / Date:
Just a quick reminder to keep tracking your reference transactions with DART! Thank you for your help! DART form: https://dart.lrs.org/ Username: VirtualRef Password: PCCLD
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Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.