Rawlings Teen Space Opens 7/18!

Author: Maria.Kramer / Date:
The Rawlings Teen Space will open next Monday!​

A YS staff person will be on the second floor, helping teens on:
Monday-Thursday - 3-7
Friday - 2-6

Corporate Cup

Author: Kayci.Barnett / Date:
One of my favorite team building activities is fast approaching - corporate cup!!!

Summer Performer and Presenter Info

Author: Maria.Kramer / Date:
Hello everyone,

For your information - here are the details of our upcoming SRP sessions.

Bruce Black
Program Schedule:
7/11 - Giodone - 3pm
7/12 - Barkman - 10am
7/12 - Lucero - 2pm
7/13 - Pueblo West - 10am
7/13 - Rawlings - 2pm

Fierro, Stephanie

Patron has been reinstated. The patron has served the suspension term plus additional time. This reinstatement has occurred due to an inability to locate any further verifiable documentation or occurrences. Patron has been eligible for reinstatement since 12/24/2016.

6/24/2016: Theft of Tablet

Sprague, Isiah

Patron has been reinstated. The patron has served the suspension term plus additional time. This reinstatement has occurred due to an inability to locate any further verifiable documentation or occurrences. Patron has been eligible for reinstatement since 01/01/2017.

06/02/2016: Theft of Laptop

Chat is Now Live!

Author: Michelle Vigil / Date:
Have you noticed the UIC Live Chat Box? 
It's in the lower right hand side of some of our web pages,
including the home page! This goes along with our efforts to
improve customer service even more. Now patrons can
live chat rather than placing a phone call if they like...


Sign Up for IRS Summertime Tax Tips
The Internal Revenue Service encourages taxpayers interested in receiving helpful consumer tips this summer to get a jump-start on this year’s taxes by subscribing to the IRS Tax Tips email service. Beginning July 1, the IRS will begin offering its Summertime Tax Tip series, which includes useful information in English and Spanish.

ConnectED and Laptop Info on the Portal

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:
Good afternoon!  Thanks for letting me visit at your staff meetings this month.  I've received a lot of good feedback about ConnectED, and I think everyone is ready for the small changes to the Laptop checkout and recovery processes.
Subscribe to

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.