The Adult Literacy Program will be delivering its first five Neighborhood Mini-Libraries to partner organizations in June as part of our efforts to Build a Better World through the Summer Reading Program! Funded by a Friends of the Library Grant and donations from Lowe's, the mini-li
You can never tell what time I'll post a Summer Trivia question...This one is for you evening shift people out there! Question 4: Which two parks will PCCLD be visiting for our Books in the Park program?
Everybody ready for another question? Get your Summer Reading inserts ready...Question 3: What exhibit will the InfoZone host this summer, featuring hands-on, multimedia activities about how engineers solve problems?
Thank you for responding to yesterday's trivia question! We have nine more to go, so there are plenty of chances to win. All answers can be found in the Summer Reading insert. Question 2: When will the Loseling Monks begin their sand mandala at Rawlings?
For the next ten days, I will be posting Summer Reading trivia questions here on the Portal. The first person to submit the correct answer as a Portal comment will get a treat. All answers can be found in the Summer Reading insert - available at public service desks. Let's get started!
Hi everyone! Our Reading Record summer tracking site is operational
Username: pccldsummer
Password: goread
Please put out your gameboards and start registering your patrons! Let's make summer awesome!