Summer Highlights - Week 2
Hi everyone! We've had a great week, and I hope you have, too. Do you have a summer highlight? Share in the comments!
Transition at the Pueblo West Branch
Due to family needs and commitments, Kim Dillon has made a decision to step down from the management position at Pueblo West into a part-time position within the library district's Circulation department effective Monday, June 26th.
Register NOW for Hoopla Webinar for chance to win!
Please register for Hoopla's Live Staff Training Webinar - Pueblo City-County Library District on Jun 27, 2017 8:00 AM MDT at:
PAYLOCITY Information
Important Info for Paylocity Implementation
NEW - Patron Comment Tracker
One of our values at PCCLD is embracing feedback, but what is the best way to capture some of the verbal off-hand comments we hear customer's make throughout the day?