Friends of the Library MLS Scholarship Program

Author: Sara.Rose / Date:
The purpose of the Friends Scholarship Program is to enhance the capability of the Pueblo City-County Library District to deliver high quality service to the citizens of Pueblo County by assisting in the professional development of existing employees who are interested in pursuing a career in library science. 
The Board of the Friends of the Pueblo City-County Library District achieves this goal by annually providing an academic scholarship, worth up to $3,000 dependent on the availability of funds, to a PCCLD employee(s) who is actively pursuing a professional career in library science. 
The eligibility requirements for a scholarship are:
Employees must be employed as a regular full time or part-time employee by Pueblo City-County Library District.
Employees must be enrolled as students pursuing a Master of Library Science degree at an American Library Association (ALA) accredited school or have a letter of acceptance to an ALA-accredited Master’s of Library Science degree program. Applicants are not restricted to a Colorado based educational program.Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit without regard to race, gender, religion, age, physical ability, or sexual orientation.  Scholarship recipients will receive up to $3,000 paid directly to the educational institution, not to exceed the actual cost of tuition.
The major factors considered in awarding scholarships are:
Evidence of commitment to a career in librarianship.
Potential for outstanding achievement in the library profession.
Academic excellence. 
Application process: 
Individuals wishing to apply for a scholarship must complete the 2015 Friends Scholarship Program Application form.

Applicants must write and submit a short essay; expressing interest in a library career. This will be critical to the selection process.
The completed application and essay must be received by PCCLD’s Human Resources Department by January 15, 2015.
Friends Scholarship Committee members, the PCCLD Executive Director and the PCCLD Director of Human Resources will review applications and recommend scholarship recipients to the Friends Board of Directors for approval. 
At least one applicant will be awarded the 2015 Friends of the Library Scholarship of up to $3,000 which will be announced in the first quarter of 2015, to be applied to the 2015 fall semester.       
Friends Scholarship Application 2015.doc

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