2018 Corporate Cup!

Author: jill.deulen / Date:
It's that time of year again!  Corporate Cup will be kicking off in early September and we're hoping for lots of participation like we've had in years past.  The Corporate Cup committee will be visiting your department meetings throughout July to give you more information and hand out registration forms.
This year's theme is We're proud, We're many, We're Pueblo.  This theme will be incorporated into the tshirts that Ann Boyden will be designing.  All tshirts and individual registrations will be covered by the library and will be of no cost to you!
I am attaching the schedule of events as well as individual registration forms. PCCLD is in Division 2 so each staff member can participate in up to 6 team events as well as individual events which don't count towards that limit.  Spouses are also allowed to participate in team events. Traditionally in the past, PCCLD is very well represented in the 5K, volleyball, and bowling. It would be great if we could get more team events such as dodgeball and kickball going this year.
The kickoff will take place on September 8th with the 5K and a variety of other events such as the Team Challenge, Basketball Shoot, Climbing Wall, and Soccer Kick.  PCCLD will have a tent set up at the Y that day where we will be able to hang out between events and grab snacks and water in between. It's a great opportunity to get some physical acitvity in as well as hang out with your co-workers.
The deadline to have your registrations in is August 13th.  Please send them directly to me or turn them into the Corporate Cup Committee staff member at your staff meetings.
Subs will be available to work if many people in your department want to participate.  If your department achieves 100% participation, you will be offered either a pizza party or salad bar.  For each event that a participant registers for you will be entered into a drawing for Black Tie Ball tickets.
Please direct any specific questions about events to me. I'm including the link to the YMCA's Corporate Cup website that may answer any additional questions.
Hope to see you out there!
Individual Reg Form 2018.doc

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Rawlings Director 

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Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
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