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Individual has gone through appropriate channels to gain back privileges.

James Copsy

James Copsy is suspended for theft at Pueblo West library. Copsy is suspended for 1 month and eligible for reinstatement on 09/29/2019. James Copsy is reinstated as of 10/24/2019.

Ellis Belfer

Ellis Belfer is reinstated 10-15-2019; he was suspended for make threats to security. Beller is suspended for 1 month and will be eligible for reinstatement on 09/20/2019. Mr. Belfer called and left a message for Jon Walker on 9-16-2019 regarding his suspension. Mr. Belfer notified Pueblo Fire Department of a code violation at Rawlings concerning doors to the youth services area. Code enforcement showed up and no violations were found. Belfer has been reinstated as of 10/15/2019.

Joe Nieves

Joe Nieves was involved in a domestic disturbance at Rawlings. Nieves then became violent and made threats to staff and security. Nievens is suspended for 1 month and is eligible for reinstatement on 09/26/2019.

Jeff Sais

Jeff is suspended for 1 month for disruptive behavior at Lucero library. Jeff is eligible for reinstatement on 08/29/2019 This patron has been reinstated. Patron has served suspension term plus additional time without further occurrences/incidents.

Dylan Repp

Dylan Repp is suspended for 1 month for theft of another patron's Iphone. repp is eligible for reinstatement on 08/23/2019. Repp is reinstated as of 08/26/2019.

Gage Ortega

Gage Ortega is suspended for 3 months for theft of another patron's cell phone. Ortega is eligible for reinstatement on 10/25/2019. Ortega attempted to steal an employees motorcycle on 07/31/2019 and was on Rawlings property in violation of his suspension for theft. Ortega is suspended for 12 months as of 07/31/2019 and is eligible for reinstatement on 07/31/2020.
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Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency


Custodial Emergency


If there is no answer call the Assistant Facilities Superintendent at 719-240-1964
or Facilities Superintendent at 719-717-0822.
For all other facilities needs please submit a facilities work order.