
Individual has gone through appropriate channels to gain back privileges.

Caleb Mijango

Caleb Mijango has been reinstated on 08/08/2023. 

Previous Submission: Caleb has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Vandalism at the Pueblo West Branch. 

He is eligible for reinstatement on 08/07/2023.

Jozef Herrera

This patron has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for one month. He is eligible for reinstatement on 07/08/2022. This patron occupied an unauthorized construction zone and entered the library before operating hours. Mr. Herrera has been reinstated on 06/22/2022.

Tyson Albo

Tyson Albo (black t-shirt) has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for harassment and bullying. Eligible for reinstatement on 04/22/2022 Tyson Albo has been suspended from all PCCLD locations on 09/20/2022 pending administrative approval for a final suspension.

Martin Solis

Martin Solis has been reinstated. 

Previous Submission: Martin Solis has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Vandalism at the Rawlings branch. He has been formally trespassed by the Pueblo Police Department. The report number for this case is 24001914. If he is seen on library property, contact the non-emergency police dispatch line.  

He is eligible for reinstatement on 01/24/2025 

Siaz, Sammy

Sammy Siaz has been reinstated on 07/27/2023. 

Patron was temporarily suspended from all PCCLD locations pending an administrative review. Seeking one-year suspension for repeated and escalating behavior in library locations.   eligible for reinstatement 10-12-2022

Daniel or Brian Hendricks

Brian L. Hendricks has been temporarily suspended from all PCCLD locations. Patron displayed disruptive behavior at the Lamb library and was in violation of several code of conduct violations. Violation of suspension on 03/02/2022 trespassing at Rawlings: Patron instructed to schedule a reinstatement meeting with the security supervisor. Violation at Pueblo West on 04/01/2022 Reinstatement meeting MUST be completed before re-entry into library locations. Eligible for reinstatement on 05/01/2022
Subscribe to Reinstated

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.