
Individual has gone through appropriate channels to gain back privileges.

Tamera Teale

Tamera Teale has been temporarily suspended from all PCCLD locations for Harassment and Refusing to Leave library premises at the Rawlings Branch. 

Tamera Teale has been reinstated per Administrative Review on 05/17/2023. Please allow her to resume access to all library locations. 

Christopher W. Dowd w/ Dog (Ziggy)(RA)

Christopher W. Done has been reinstated on 06/25/2024. His dog remains banned from the library. 

Previous Submission: This unnamed patron has been suspended on 03/28/2024 for Harassment, Threats, and Disruptive Behavior. The dog accompanying this patron has been permanently banned from all library locations. The animal is aggressive. This patron has threatened to release the dog for attack. 

He is eligible for reinstatement on 04/28/2024. The dog will NOT be permitted to return to any library location.  

Uyen Shubert

Uyen Shubert met with the Manager of Security Services on 03/08/2024 for reinstatement of her library privileges. Please allow her access to library locations. 

Previous Submission: This unknown patron has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for creating disruption and threatening staff at the Rawlings Branch.

She is eligible for reinstatement on 06/22/2023.


Yaniana Ojeda

Yaniana Ojeda was reinstated on 04/16/2024 by Lucero Branch Manager Jerry Vigil. 

Previous Submission: Yaniana Ojeda has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for fighting at the Lucero Branch. 

She is eligible for reinstatement on 03/06/2024. 

William Reisinger

William Reisinger has been reinstated. 

Previous Suspension

William Reisinger has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for consuming alcohol at the Pueblo West Branch. 

He is eligible for reinstatement on 03/25/2023.

Aviana Trestik

Aviana Trestik has been reinstated on 08/25/2023

Previous Submission: Aviana Trestik has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for vandalism at the Pueblo West Branch. 

She is eligible for reinstatement on 06/08/2023. 

Chloe Ward

Chole Ward has been reinstated on 05/202/2024. 

Previous Submission: Chole Ward has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for vandalism at the Pueblo West Branch. 

She is eligible for reinstatement on 06/08/2023.

Toby Pruitt

Toby Pruitt has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for one year. Please do not allow entry into any library location. Toby poses safety and security threats. His behavior is escalating physically and verbally and he is unpredictable. Toby is eligible for reinstatement on 07/03/2023. Toby has been reinstated along with guardian present; Toby understands any behavior on his part to require suspension, will result in Toby's original suspension to be extended to July 22,2025

Subscribe to Reinstated

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.