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Individual has gone through appropriate channels to gain back privileges.

Mike Tiger

Tiger was observed smoking marijuana on library property. Tiger was asked to leave. Tiger became angry and made threats to the officer. Tiger is being suspended for 3 months and is eligible for reinstatement on 05/20/2019. Tiger was observed in Lamb library on 04/08/2019 in violation of his suspension.

DeAngelo Dennel

Dennel is suspended for assault, battery, and fighting at Lucero Library. Dennel is suspended for 12 months and is eligible for reinstatement on 02/15/2020.

Patron has been reinstated. Patron served the suspension term plus additional time without further occurrences/incidents. 

Reinstated 02/22/2022. 

Preston Zook

Preston Zook was reinstated on 9-16-2019.  Zook is suspended for assault and fighting at Lucero Library. Zook is suspended for 6 months and is eligible for reinstatement on 08/15/2019.

Zook is reinstated as of 08/15/2019

Rustam Kerimov

Kerimov engaged in fighting with security after being told to comply with library rules and code of conduct. Kerimov is a repeat offender of library code of conduct and due to his violent nature is being suspended for 12 months. He will be eligible for reinstatement on 02/06/2020. Contact P.D. if he shows up at your location.

Patron has been reinstated. Patron served the suspension term plus additional time without further occurrences/incidents. 

​Reinstated 02/22/2022. 
Subscribe to Reinstated

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency


Custodial Emergency


If there is no answer call the Assistant Facilities Superintendent at 719-240-1964
or Facilities Superintendent at 719-717-0822.
For all other facilities needs please submit a facilities work order.