Unknown Name (RA) 10.21.23
This unnamed patron has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Disruptive Behavior at the Rawlings branch.
She is eligible for reinstatement on 11/21/2023
This unnamed patron has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Disruptive Behavior at the Rawlings branch.
She is eligible for reinstatement on 11/21/2023
Paul Gillispie has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Harassment at the Rawlings branch.
He is eligible for reinstatement on 01/18/2024
This unnamed patron has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Vandalism at the Rawlings Branch.
He is eligible for reinstatement on 04/12/2024
Brandon has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Alcohol or Controlled Substance at the Rawlings Branch.
He is eligible for reinstatement on 04/10/2024
Sha'kym Sennette has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for multiple violations of the code of conduct at the Rawlings library.
He is eligible for reinstatement with a parent or guardian present on 11/05/2023.
This unnamed patron has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Vandalism at the Lucero Branch.
He is eligible for reinstatement on 01/03/2024
Joseph Vigil (Library Card # 1222206338112) has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Theft at the Rawlings Branch. A police report has been filed. Case #23-16982. There is no photo available. If this person is in the library please note the time and date and report this information to the Manager of Security Services.
He is eligible for reinstatement on 09/05/2024.
Nadia has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Alcohol or Controlled Substance at the Lucero Branch.
She is eligible for reinstatement on 12/05/2023
This unnamed patron (Unknown RA 9-2-23) has been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Disruptive Behavior and Harassment at the Rawlings Branch.
He is eligible for reinstatement on 10/02/2023.
Ulysses and his dog Nikko have been suspended from all PCCLD locations for Disruptive Behavior and Refusing to Leave the library when requested at the Rawlings Branch.
He is eligible for reinstatement on 11/19/2023