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Male patron came into the library around 3pm (pic 1). He had been in the day before (8/3) and had complained as he was leaving about some children in the library (Arnold children - regulars). This time, the patron sat at his computer for no more than 5 minutes before he came to the desk to complain about the children again. He said he wanted to speak with a manager and I told him I was the manager. He then yelled, "No I need to speak to your boss, like a corporate manager because I've been in here the last 2 days and both times these kids are running around like it's a freaking jungle gym and I just got out of the joint and I don't like people coming up behind me and stuff." Rachel Packard and Jennifer Sullivan were there as well and he said something to Jennifer about being disrespectful. I apologized for his experience but he wanted to speak to someone other than me, so I gave him Jon Walker's card and he left. When Lise Christofferson arrived at 5, she let us know that there was some vulgarity written outside with sidewalk chalk (pic 2). I looked back on the camera footage and caught him writing the message (Video link: Password: 8/4/2021). I would like to have security on-hand today around 3 in case he returns. He had scared the other patrons (especially the Arnold children), my coworkers, and myself with his strange behavior.
Date of Suspension
Date eligible for reinstatement
Has patron been notified of the suspension?

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency


Custodial Emergency


If there is no answer call the Assistant Facilities Superintendent at 719-240-1964
or Facilities Superintendent at 719-717-0822.
For all other facilities needs please submit a facilities work order.