Encourage the Joy of Reading with the Battle of the Books

Author: Maria.Kramer / Date:
We are partnering with our local schools to host the Battle of the Books - a competition in which teams of middle school students read 40 books over the course of the school year, then demonstrate their knowledge by answering questions, trivia-contest style.

Happy National Library Workers Day!

Author: jon.walker / Date:
Hi I am so proud of you and what you do for our community. Happy Library Workers Day! http://ala-apa.org/nlwd/ Jon

Welcome to Bree Pappan!

Author: terri.daly / Date:
Please join in welcoming Bree Pappan to the Library District! Bree comes to the library district with a variety of experience including extensive customer service experience. Bree holds two Bachelor's degrees, a Bachelor of Art in Multicultural Studies and a Bachelor of Art in Art History.

Farewell to Kendra Case and David Paez

Author: terri.daly / Date:
David Paez has been serving at the Giodone branch as a part-time MHT. Due to outside obligations, David has decided to leave the district at this time. Kendra Case has been serving at the Lucero branch as Program and Outreach Coordinator.

News and Picture from Jane Carlsen!

Author: terri.daly / Date:
"Once an Executive Assistant, always an Executive Assistant," says Jane Carlsen from her faux-desk at the Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco, Texas. See attached picture. Happy Trails to Jane!

Daryl Ward

This patron is eligible for reinstatement. This patron is required to meet with the PCCLD Security Supervisor or designee for reinstatement. This patron should not be allowed access on or in any PCCLD location until the reinstatement process is completed. REQUIRES REINSTATEMENT!

Ray Sandoval

Ray Sandoval is suspended for 12 months for harassment and threatening customers and staff, also trespassing.
Sandoval is eligable for reinstatement on 04/03/2020.

Ray Sandoval was on Rawlings property 05/30/2019 in violation of his suspension

Sandoval was on Rawlings property on 01/24/2020 in violation of his suspension.

This patron has been reinstated. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further occurrences/incidents.

Reinstated 02/22/2022

PCCLD and Gallagher

Author: jon.walker / Date:
Dear All, I hear from some of you there is interest in better understanding Colorado's Gallagher Amendment and its impact on PCCLD.

Clarification on Homeless Shelters in Pueblo

Author: Sara.Rose / Date:
The Pueblo Rescue Mission (PRM) Warming Shelter located at 901 9th Street in Pueblo, is open from 7 PM to 8 AM and provides a safe sleeping space for adults age 18 or older.
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Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.