Reference Counts - next week! June 19-25

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:
WHO?  All Public Services Staff
WHAT?  Log reference wuestions in real time
WHEN?  June 19-25
WHY?  This is a metric that we report on annual surveys and the information may be helpful for strategic planning activities.

UPDATE: Adult Summer Reading Registration Challenge!

Author: Midori.Clark / Date:
Good afternoon,
We've been busy with Summer Reading programs and registrations for the past two weeks--and all our hard work is paying off!

Update - Adult Summer Reading Registration Challenge

Health Hunt - Staff Prize

Author: Maria.Kramer / Date:
Hello everyone!

You may have seen the Health Hunt board appear at your locations - this summer badge program encourages getting outside and getting active for patrons of all ages. To promote this challenge, we have a prize for staff!

State Parks Passes Coming on June 20th

Author: jill.deulen / Date:
As many of you have heard, the Colorado State Library and Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife have teamed up to begin circulating state park passes at public libraries!  This is a great collaboration between two state agencies that encourages learning and wellness!   PCCLD wa

Thayer, James Dumant Ray

Patron has been reinstated. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented incident/occurrence. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 08/10/2017. 

8/10/2016 Suspension extended a year, notified him in person by Janina

6/10/2016 James is suspended from all libraries because he was in the Ladies restroom.

Violated suspension:
8/7 - witnessed using drugs on the grass.  security guard called the police but he left before they arrived


Corporate Cup Committee Breakfast Meeting!!

Author: Sara.Rose / Date:
We are looking for volunteer committee members to help PCCLD prepare for victory in the 2016 Pueblo Corporate Cup!
Corporate Cup is a fitness challenge that attracts over 3,000 participants representing Pueblo organizations and businesses who compete for trophies. 

CALLING ALL Library at the Y Subs

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:
Do you work part time as a Customer Service Representative or Library Specialist?  Would you like the chance to make some extra cash?  Every once in awhile, the Library at the Y needs extra help!  The Library at the Y is a fun little library to hang out from either 9-1 or 4-8.

Important Announcement from the Executive Director

Author: jon.walker / Date:
Certain PCCLD employees will be receiving a personal letter from me in the coming few days mailed to home addresses regarding a data security incident.  I am writing to all employees now to inform you generally about that incident, what it means, and what is being done about it.

Bands in the Backyard VIP auction!

Author: Michelle Vigil / Date:
Tommy G Productions has provided PCCLD with four (2-Day VIP) tickets to the 2016 Bands in the Backyard on
Friday June 17 and Saturday, June 18! Tickets are worth $275 a piece and bidding starts at $100.
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Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.