Reference Questions - NEXT WEEK!

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:
Please mark your calendars to count reference questions NEXT WEEK (June 18-June 24)

Print up these reminders and post them around your library!

Goodbye to Courtney Woodka

Author: terri.daly / Date:
Courtney Woodka has accepted another job opportunity and will be leaving PCCLD on June 21st. Courtney has been with the Library District for 3 1/2 years and will be missed. But we wish Courtney the very best in her new job endeavors!

Job Postings from the Workforce Center

Author: Thad.Stelter / Date:
Hello Everyone, The latest job posting from the Workforce Center have arrived. They do have to wrong date (May 26, 2017), but the postings are new. Enjoy!

Free lunch for kids at the Library

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:
Starting Monday June 12 through Friday July 28 - kids can eat lunch at the library FOR FREE!  This happens every Monday-Friday except July 3 and 4.

Summer Highlights - Week 1

Author: Maria.Kramer / Date:
Hi everyone! Summer is off to a great start - and I wanted to share some highlights of my week with you. Do you have a summer highlight? Please share it in the comments!

Mead, Shamus

This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 06/02/2018. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident. 
DOB 7-26-2004

6-2-2017 Theft of library property from Pueblo West Library on 5-20-2017 and 5-22-2017, ​12 month suspension​
PCSO Case # 17S012608

Cadd, James

This patron has been reinstated. Patron was eligible for reinstatement on 05/02/2018. Patron has served the suspension term plus additional time without further verifiable or documented occurrence/incident. 

DOB 11-23-2003

6-2-2017 Theft of library property from Pueblo West Library on 5-20-2017 and 5-22-2017, ​12 month suspension​
PCSO Case # 17S012608

Corporate Cup is Coming!

Author: jill.deulen / Date:
It's that time of year again, Corporate Cup will be happening in just a few short months!  For those who don't know what Corporate Cup is, it is a fitness challenge to local organizations and businesses conducted by the YMCA of Pueblo.  The purpose of Corporate Cup is to promote healthy li
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Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.