The Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) has awarded its early literacy award to the SPELL (Supporting Parents in Early Literacy through Libraries) program. PCCLD has been a key contributor to this statewide program, which has been led locally here by our very own Kirsten Dees (Youth Services Librarian with Early Literacy Emphasis) with support from a number of staff from throughout the library district.. Congratulations to Kirsten and the entire PCCLD team on this special recognition, which demonstrates dedication to research, prototyping, and evaluation to improve our efforts to reach low-income parents with early literacy strategies. SPELL is a significant program that not only will benefit our local community but also as a model for others in Colorado and throughout the country. The award will be formally presented later this fall on October 21 at the Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) and CAL joint conference slated to take place in Loveland CO.