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Health and Safety Committee

Safe Driving Tips in Winter Weather

Severe weather can be both frightening and dangerous for automobile travel. Motorists should know the safety rules for dealing with winter road emergencies. AAA reminds motorists to be cautious while driving in adverse weather

AAA recommends the following winter driving tips:
Avoid driving while you’re fatigued. Getting the proper amount of rest before taking on winter weather tasks reduces driving risks.
Never run a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
Make certain your tires are properly inflated.
Keep your gas tank at least half full.

2016-2017 Flu Vaccine

                           What's New with the Influenza Immunization for 2016 - 2017  
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

There is no question but that an epidemic of influenza will occur during the 2016-2017 "flu season". What is not known is when this epidemic will happen, the specific strains of flu virus responsible for illness, or the number or severity of cases of flu that will occur. For that reason, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (
ACIP) recommends that everyone 6 months and older receive the flu vaccine. Every year certain things change regarding influenza immunization. Important aspects of this year's recommendations from the
ACIP Include:

Parking lot safety tips

Parking lot safety tips to reduce your chances of becoming a victim Safety at work: Always be just as aware while doing approaching and emptying the book drop. Always let someone know when you are going outside and when you return. When employees are leaving for the night: Survey the parking lot as you are exiting the building Look for unknown vehicles or strangers standing near vehicles Leave as a group--Don’t approach your vehicle if a van or other large vehicle with tinted windows is parked next to it. Find a security guard to walk you to your car; they are paid to do so.

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency


Custodial Emergency


If there is no answer call the Assistant Facilities Superintendent at 719-240-1964
or Facilities Superintendent at 719-717-0822.
For all other facilities needs please submit a facilities work order.