Good afternoon,
We've been busy with Summer Reading programs and registrations for the past two weeks--and all our hard work is paying off!
Update - Adult Summer Reading Registration Challenge
As of 2 p.m. today, the report showed a total of 943 adult registrations! With this being only the second week of Summer Reading, we have the potential to reach our goal of 2,429 adult registrations! Here is a report of where each library stands in the challenge:
Library 2015 YTD 2016 2016 goal (20% increase) % of goal reached
Pueblo West 413 176 496 35%
Library @ the Y 59 15 71 21%
Barkman 270 141 324 43%
Lamb 261 100 313 32%
Rawlings 468 264 562 47%
Lucero 258 78 310 25%
Giodone 166 74 199 37%
Greenhorn Valley 125 93 150 62%
Avondale 3 1 4 25%
Books in the Park 0 1 -
Total 2,023 943 2,429 39%
With more than a month left to go, there is still time to strive for and reach our goal! Fantastic job everyone--way to go! Who's ready for their PIZZA PARTY!?
We've been busy with Summer Reading programs and registrations for the past two weeks--and all our hard work is paying off!
Update - Adult Summer Reading Registration Challenge
As of 2 p.m. today, the report showed a total of 943 adult registrations! With this being only the second week of Summer Reading, we have the potential to reach our goal of 2,429 adult registrations! Here is a report of where each library stands in the challenge:
Library 2015 YTD 2016 2016 goal (20% increase) % of goal reached
Pueblo West 413 176 496 35%
Library @ the Y 59 15 71 21%
Barkman 270 141 324 43%
Lamb 261 100 313 32%
Rawlings 468 264 562 47%
Lucero 258 78 310 25%
Giodone 166 74 199 37%
Greenhorn Valley 125 93 150 62%
Avondale 3 1 4 25%
Books in the Park 0 1 -
Total 2,023 943 2,429 39%
With more than a month left to go, there is still time to strive for and reach our goal! Fantastic job everyone--way to go! Who's ready for their PIZZA PARTY!?