The Steering Committee performs an important function at PCCLD. The work of this group is part of PCCLD’s commitment to manage the Library District in a collaborative and participatory manner to help ensure a winning workplace in support of the best library service possible.
The Steering Committee first formed in 2005. The role of the group is to be a cohesive employee team from multiple parts of the organization. The group sifts through feedback from all sources, considers important issues, represents the best interests of the whole District and provides 360-degree communication. The committee normally meets with the Executive Director about once per month.
In recent years, the Steering Committee’s voice and feedback has been valuable on numerous issues, including, but not limited to, PCCLD strategic initiatives, procedures and policies, and more. Specific items the Steering Committee typically reviews include the PCCLD budget and employee benefits, among other items.
Steering Committee members can receive input from any employee in the district and bring it to the committee and Executive Director to be discussed. If there is overall library district input or issues that you or your team would like discussed by the committee and Executive Director, you can contact a member of the Steering Committee to bring this information forward.
Current Steering Committee Members are:
Al Perea, Facilities
Debbie Payne, Barkman
Rebecca McGhee, RRA
Ciara Kehoe, Youth Services
Anthony Rendon, Security
Ashley Swald, Greenhorn Valley, Lucero, Giodone
David Hayden, Community Relations
Lee Vigil, Technical Services
Maykala Noyd, Pueblo West
Thank you to the Steering Committee for serving in this important role within the library district.