School children will be descending upon the library by the bus-load

Author: michelle.vigil / Date:

In case you aren't aware - Jennifer Holm, co-creator of the popular series Babymouse and spin-off series Squish will be at Rawlings Library Monday and Tuesday next week.  School children will be descending upon the library by the bus-loads - literally - and she will be giving three 1-hour presentations on Monday and two on Tuesday at Rawlings.

The presentations are at Monday: 8:45, 10:30, and 12:45 and Tuesday: 8:45 (at Avondale), 10:30, and 12:45.
Rawlings YS staff will be here to help get kids to their destination (Ryals Room), but if you see any stray kids - please send them that way!  Also - if you are available during one of those sessions - you should join us!
Finally - the Children's Museum has a special Babymouse: Mad Scientist exhibit in ARTrageous - so please check it out!
Please let me know if you have any questions!


Janina Goodwin

Security Contact

Pueblo West
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Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

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