Reconvening the Employee Steering Committee

Author: jon.walker / Date:
We pride ourselves on our winning workplace at PCCLD. A hallmark of this is the Employee Steering Committee. The committee unfortunately was on pause this past year due to the unprecedented disruption caused by COVID-19. Now is time to reconvene the committee. I hope we are able to start-up the Employee Steering Committee again beginning in July. The committee first formed in 2005 and it serves to provide internal support, input, and communication among employees on matters of District-wide concern. Its role is to be a cohesive employee team from different parts of the organization that gathers and sifts through feedback from all sources, considers important issues, represents the best interests of the whole District and provides 360-degree communication. The committee traditionally consists of staff who meet regularly to help ensure progress on PCCLD’s winning workplace and in support of PCCLD’s tradition of excellent library service. Members of the committee normally meet approximately once each month to discuss issues facing PCCLD. The committee has considered numerous items over the years, including, but not limited to, work on individual District initiatives, policies, and procedures; budgeting and planning; PCCLD job qualifications and hiring practices; employee pay, benefits, and career progression; and more. Members of the committee participate in PCCLD’s annual District-wide budgeting and planning process. I will reach out to each library team to encourage a volunteer to be selected to serve in this important effort as PCCLD regains its balance and moves forward in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is an important time and the goal is reconvene the Employee Steering Committee in July. Sincerely, Jon Jon Walker Executive Director

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