Reading Pays Outcomes

Author: Nick.Potter / Date:
Hello All, Pueblo's One Million Dollar Reading Challenge: Reading Pays has come to an end and we are working to get final vouchers out to all September participants. Reading Pays was a lot of work that resulted in a great impact within our community. I want to extend a huge "thank you" to all PCCLD staff who helped make this program successful. Spending $1 million is a great opportunity but to spend it in a responsible, organized, and impactful way requires a lot of work and as an organization we put in the work to make it happen! THANK YOU! As a result, the Reading Pays program awarded 7,074 youths a $100 prize for their reading activities. We had an additional 356 students complete the program twice and receive prizes in lieu of a second $100 payment. A combined total of 7,430 youths completing this year's version of summer reading is a big accomplishment. Because of this program, $707,400 will go into the pockets of children who earned money through staying engaged and reading. Additional funds will be given to students who opened a minor savings account as part of this program. Our completion total of 7,430 greatly exceeds the average number of those who finished the program in recent years by a whopping 500%. YEAR:SRP Completions 2020:109 2019: 1,829 2018: 1,928 2017: 967 2016: 967 2015: 2,070 2014: 1,888 2013:1,586 Average:1,418 2021: 7,430 Reading Pays substantially helped re-engage PCCLD with young people locally during a difficult time, and feedback received from the public has been overwhelmingly positive. The program encouraged young people to participate in literacy activities by checking out library materials and submitting a reading prompt, and it assisted in improving PCCLD circulation of library materials year-over-year by 52% this summer. If you'd like to review the totals by branch and by month, please view the link below. Congratulations to you all for pulling off this great program! Thank you for all of your efforts! Have a great weekend!

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