
Author: jon.walker / Date:
You likely are aware of current and upcoming PCCLD financial challenges. I am asked a lot how to support the library in light of these. My first recommendation is to stay informed. There are a few ways to do this. Attached here is a one page flyer with a good overview. PCCLD's website has useful information at http://www.pueblolibrary.org/pueblolibraryproud. This page includes a great new video from the Colorado Fiscal Institute about how skyrocketing housing prices in Denver negatively impact PCCLD financially. In light of this, concerned citizens have organized in support of a library ballot funding measure for November. Their work is not an official PCCLD effort. It is a grassroots committee of individuals who care about our community, who love the library, and who want our public library to continue to be the best. Already, more than 80 people have joined this effort. The group is called PuebloLibraryProud, which references a separate public relations effort PCCLD commenced after our America's Best Library award last year. I told them last night that I'd share this information with you. This is important since it involves the library and you likely will hear more about it in coming weeks. I told them that I'd share their email address with you. It is pueblolibraryproud@gmail.com. This is the last time I'll write to you about this group. Colorado Election Law prohibits me (and you) from advocating for or against a ballot measure while at work. Yet, it is something you'll hear more about from others in the community and it is important you are aware. If you'd like more information about the work of PuebloLibraryProud you can email your personal contact information to them at pueblolibraryproud@gmail.com. This should be personal contact information and not your PCCLD work information. Here are some additional tips as the trustees move forward toward a library election: DO Be informed Only if asked, share with others where they can learn more Feel free to support or endorse any political issue/candidate on your personal time DON’T Campaign for the library or any issue or candidate while at work Use personally any PCCLD funds, facilities, or resources (such as printers, copy machines etc.) for campaign activity Accept any cash or contributions to any campaign while at work Thanks for paying attention to these important rules. It’s pretty simple really; if it’s on library grounds don’t do it, but if you are off library grounds on your own time you have full First Amendment rights to speak and act as you like. Jon
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