Pueblo County Moves to Yellow on COVID-19 Dial

Author: Sherri.Baca / Date:
This morning at 6 am, Pueblo County moved back to Yellow status on the COVID-19 Dial (https://covid19.colorado.gov/data/covid-19-dial-dashboard) due to the increase in COVID-19 cases during the past two weeks. We previously were at the Blue status. At PCCLD, we anticipated this move to Yellow status which is why we postponed Phase 6 of our reopening plan. As things currently stand, Phase 5, our current phase, aligns with Yellow status. So, nothing changes for PCCLD libraries right now. Meeting rooms are still available to the public at 50% capacity. Office spaces and public spaces are at 50% capacity. The Colorado mask mandate has been extended to May 2, 2021. We encourage library employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. HR stands ready to assist with finding a vaccination appointment. The vaccine is a critical tool in the fight against this virus along with frequent hand washing, wearing a face mask, social distancing, and sanitizing high-touch surfaces. Please continue all safety protocols and notify HR if you are not well. Please share any questions you have with your supervisor as they are well-versed in all of these details.

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.