Pueblo Centralized Social Services Campus

Author: Sara.Rose / Date:
Pueblo County announced that the first step towards a centralized social services campus was completed on Tuesday, March 6, with the closure of the north side office, located at 805 Desert Flower Boulevard.
Previously, the placement of services, with the two offices spread out several miles apart from one another, made services hard to access by public transportation, was confusing and caused  difficulties on those seeking  assistance, as well as created efficiency issues in the operation of the department
The new centralized campus is less than a mile from the City of Pueblo’s main bus terminal and will be significantly easier to access by public transportation. The north side office was nearly four miles from the main Department of Social Services office, located in the Wells Fargo building at 8th and Main Streets in downtown Pueblo. Prior to the closure of the north side office, clients from the more impoverished areas of the community had to take multiple bus routes to access the north side office.
The Family Services programs that were offered at the north side office are now being offered at the new 9th Street location, formerly the First Baptist Church, located at 405 W. 9th Street.
Programs offered at the new 9th Street location include:
Family Services
Child Care
Colorado Works
Employment First
Child Welfare Programs
Visitation Center 

Programs located at 201 W. 8th Street include:
Assistance Payments
Food Assistance
Adult Financial Programs
Adult Programs
Adult Protective Services
Single Entry Point
Medicaid Transportation
Child Support Services 

LEAP applications can be dropped off at either location.
CONTACT: For more information, please contact Paris Elliott, Pueblo County Community Information Manager at: elliottp@pueblocounty.usor 719-252-8550.

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.