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Petitions and Solicitation

Author: Sara.Rose / Date:
In response to a recent question about solicitation and petitioning in the Rawlings Courtyard I am sharing this important information with you. The library considers the Rawlings Courtyard to be an integral part of the library which we regularly use for outdoor programs and events. It also provides patrons with a creative garden space to read outdoors, rest and reflect. Each night we lock the courtyard when we lock up the facility. All of these things differentiate this space from a public sidewalk. In legal terms this space can be referred to as a “limited public forum” which means the library can impose reasonable time, place and manner of use restrictions in this designated area. Our Customer Service Policy: 03.05.05 Petitions and Surveys states that candidate nomination petitions, initiative or referendum petitions or surveys of public opinion must be conducted by individuals or groups outside of PCCLD libraries. This includes the Rawlings Courtyard. We have recently clarified this with the Pueblo Police Department and with our library attorney. If an individual or group engages in solicitation or petitioning within the courtyard, please politely ask them to move outside of the courtyard walls in an area that does not impede access to the library. If you encounter issues or have any questions about this policy please contact me. Thank you!

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency


Custodial Emergency


If there is no answer call the Assistant Facilities Superintendent at 719-240-1964
or Facilities Superintendent at 719-717-0822.
For all other facilities needs please submit a facilities work order.