To: All Library Employees
From: Jon Walker, Executive Director
Subject: Performance Evaluation Review Committee
An ad hoc committee of library employees will be appointed to review the current PCCLD employee performance evaluation process. If you are interested in serving on this committee please indicate this to me directly by March 15, 2017. I expect to appoint members of the committee by the end of March.
The idea of reviewing and making recommendations regarding the current employee performance evaluation system has been suggested by the PCCLD Steering Committee. The Performance Evaluation Review Committee will be constituted and asked to examine the current performance evaluation system, which has been in place in its current form for about three years now, including consideration of multi-point feedback as part of the evaluation system in alignment with individual job roles and responsibilities, and with PCCLD’s mission, cultural beliefs, and key results.
The committee will consist of five-to-ten employees broadly representative of the institution. It likely will meet on average for a few hours approximately once per month for about one year. The committee is charged with conducting research, reviewing, and making recommendations to the Executive Director with regard to the employee performance evaluation system. I expect the team will publish progress reports periodically via the PCCLD intranet portal and their final report will be issued in 2018. Terri Daly, Human Resources Manager, will serve as the committee chairperson.
If you would like to serve as a member of this committee please email or otherwise contact me indicating your interest.
From: Jon Walker, Executive Director
Subject: Performance Evaluation Review Committee
An ad hoc committee of library employees will be appointed to review the current PCCLD employee performance evaluation process. If you are interested in serving on this committee please indicate this to me directly by March 15, 2017. I expect to appoint members of the committee by the end of March.
The idea of reviewing and making recommendations regarding the current employee performance evaluation system has been suggested by the PCCLD Steering Committee. The Performance Evaluation Review Committee will be constituted and asked to examine the current performance evaluation system, which has been in place in its current form for about three years now, including consideration of multi-point feedback as part of the evaluation system in alignment with individual job roles and responsibilities, and with PCCLD’s mission, cultural beliefs, and key results.
The committee will consist of five-to-ten employees broadly representative of the institution. It likely will meet on average for a few hours approximately once per month for about one year. The committee is charged with conducting research, reviewing, and making recommendations to the Executive Director with regard to the employee performance evaluation system. I expect the team will publish progress reports periodically via the PCCLD intranet portal and their final report will be issued in 2018. Terri Daly, Human Resources Manager, will serve as the committee chairperson.
If you would like to serve as a member of this committee please email or otherwise contact me indicating your interest.