The local COVID-19 conditions have improved in Pueblo County and in the State. The State health authorities have released updated COVID restrictions which allow for 75% capacity in libraries ( Pueblo County remains in the blue status on the COVID dial ( In response to the lessening of COVID-19 restrictions, PCCLD is moving into Phase 6 of our reopening plan. Effective April 5, 2021, no limits will be placed on patron visits. Patrons are free to visit all locations more than once per day. Multiple computer sessions will be allowed through our automated system with renewals available if less than 75% of available computers are being used. Face masks are required at all times except for children under 3 years of age. Accommodations remain available for those who cannot tolerate a face mask. Contact tracing remains voluntary. Food and drink must be enjoyed outdoors, not in library buildings. Outdoor events and programming are encouraged weather permitting. Capacity in public areas and staff offices increases to 75%.
As we are coming “into the curve” on turning the corner regarding COVID, now is the time to continue wearing a face mask (still required by public health orders), practice 6 ft. social distancing, sanitize high touch areas, and get vaccinated. Many thanks to all staff for keeping our library spaces safe and healthy. We look forward to this new phase of expanding library services for the public.
Library managers are informed of the details of Phase 6, feel free to run your questions through your supervisor.