The library district’s recent transition to curbside service took place on Wednesday this week. Thank you for helping make this a smooth changeover. In-building patron services are temporarily suspended and we will focus for now on curbside service, home mail delivery of library materials, telephone support, and online and virtual services and programs. All employees are encouraged to participate in a new online class in PCCLD University regarding our current curbside program. The class is available at
It is important for you to know that we continue to work closely with officials at the Pueblo County Department of Public Health & Environment on PCCLD workplace practices during the pandemic. I anticipate the local health department and elected officials will announce a change in Pueblo County’s COVID-19 status soon. The status will move from the current Colorado COVID-19 status Orange/ “High Risk” to Red/“Severe Risk.” Please know that PCCLD’s change to curbside service and other current workplace activities align with the Red/“Severe Risk” status. More about current Colorado COVID-19 restrictions is available here:
I am pleased that PCCLD has avoided documented COVID-19 virus transmission or outbreaks in our libraries so far, but we have entered a critical time. Each of us must take personal responsibility to properly social distance, use appropriate personal protective equipment, and sanitize high-touch surfaces. It is important for each of us to wear a face mask over nose and mouth when in the presence of others, always maintain six feet of social distance, regularly wash our hands and sanitize high-touch surfaces, and stay home when sick.
I am hopeful this high tide in virus transmission will subside soon and library services can open back up, but there is no timeline now for this.
Check-in with your supervisor or Human Resources should you have any questions.
Thank you for your service.
Jon Walker
Executive Director