PCCLD Status Update-June 5

Author: jon.walker / Date:
We hope you, your family, friends, and colleagues are well. So much has shifted since the onset of the public health crisis and the closing of library buildings beginning on March 14. Thank you for helping PCCLD do good work during this period providing the best possible library service even with the constraints of ongoing public health restrictions. This includes both curbside and virtual services that have proven to be popular. Today we are pleased to announce that local health authorities and community leaders are poised to allow additional in-person library services. This announcement has been anticipated, so preparations have been ongoing for a while. Final touches on these are being put in place now and these services should commence later in June. These additional in-person services will be subject to restrictions. Curbside and virtual activities will continue and two more services will be added. First, a limited number of individuals will be welcomed into libraries to use a designated group of public computers. This will be a subgroup of the public computers normally available in order to accommodate ongoing social distancing requirements. Furniture and equipment adjustments are being made in all libraries to ensure appropriate distancing and sanitizing can be maintained. Use of computers will occur by reservation in 45-minute sessions. Security guards will screen members of the public at the front door of each library to ensure a reservation is in place, conduct health screening for individuals entering the building, and ensure each person is wearing the required face covering. Each cohort of computer users will be cleared from the building on the hour and the area sanitized prior to the next reservation group entering for the next 45-minute session. Social distancing signs will be placed throughout the libraries to encourage individuals to stay six feet apart. Staff procedures for distancing and use of personal protective equipment will remain in place and new staff training about the computer-by-appointment service should commence soon with specific dates forthcoming. Next, a limited quantity of people will be admitted into libraries for collection browsing. Cohorts of patrons will be welcomed into each library by appointment to browse collections in 45-minute sessions. Security guards will screen individuals before allowing entry to the library in the same manner as described above and social distancing rules will remain in effect. Furniture is being rearranged and other preparations are underway now for this. Most public seating is being removed or made unavailable because use of study and meeting rooms will not be allowed nor “hanging out” to read, study, or similar activities. The browsing-by-appointment service should commence about two weeks after the kick-off of the computer-by-appointment service. These are the changes for now. COVID-19 challenges remain although they have abated somewhat and public health authorities report that spread of the virus is well managed at this time in our community. We do expect public health orders will become even less restrictive down the road. There currently is no timeline for this, but, when the time is right, we will re-introduce limited onsite programming and, still later, full services will ramp up including reopening library meeting rooms and study areas again. Throughout all of this, it is vital for us to adhere to directions from public health authorities and our actions will continue to carefully align with guidance from the State of Colorado, the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment, and federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Your supervisor is apprised of this plan along with additional details. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your supervisor, either of us, or Terri in Human Resources with questions. The library has a critical role in helping our community during this extraordinarily turbulent time. The current strife is difficult for all of us. The pandemic has been a direct threat to our well-being. The economic catastrophe coming on its heels made things considerably worse. Now, the horrifying murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and other acts of violence and hostility are weighing heavily on us. Our institution is far from perfect and, yet, our mission is vital more than ever. The public library starts from a place of inclusiveness and equity. We welcome everyone in offering free and open access to resources and tools in support of lifelong learning, literacy, and information. Our professional culture respects diversity and seeks to maintain an environment for safe and productive conversations. These public library principles have never been more important than now to combat ignorance, hate, and racism. We wish you peace, health, and prosperity, Jon Walker Executive Director Sherri Baca Associate Executive Director

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.