PCCLD is Colorado Library of the Year! Woohoo!

Author: jon.walker / Date:
Congratulations team! The Pueblo City-County Library District has been selected as the recipient of the 2018 Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) Library of the Year Award. Representatives from PCCLD will receive the honor at a special Awards Luncheon on Friday, September 14, 2018, at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in Loveland, Colorado. In selecting PCCLD for this honor, Robin Filipczak (Denver Public Library) and Katherine Weadley (Lyons Regional Library District), who co-shair the CAL Awards Committee, write: "On behalf of the Colorado Association of Libraries awards committee, heartfelt congratulations on winning this award. We look forward to celebrating with you at the awards event." PCCLD will receive two courtesy tickets to this event and, as such, look for your upcoming opportunity to represent PCCLD and our community at the Awards Luncheon in Loveland.

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Rawlings Director 

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Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
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