Good morning, Public Services!
I am writing to inform you of upcoming changes to the Sunday schedule. We will continue to provide curbside services at the Lamb and Barkman branches on 12/6 and 12/13. All libraries are closed the last two Sundays of the year. Beginning in January, we anticipate moving Sunday hours back to the Rawlings Library, where we will continue to provide curbside services until local health officials and administration deem it safe to reopen to the public.
Given Pueblo's current elevated risk status, we will be adjusting the way we staff Sundays to minimize contact between departments and restrict the exposure vector among library staff. Each department manager has been asked to fill Sunday shifts on a rotating basis with members of his/her respective team only. I will continue to send out Sunday reminders to anyone scheduled to work, but please check in with your manager if you have questions about your team's schedule. Likewise, please let me know if you have any questions about this new scheduling model.
Thank you!
Amy Nelson