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New Manager of Special Collections and Museum Services - Amy Nelson

Author: terri.daly / Date:
We are very pleased to announce that Amy Nelson will be the new Manager of Special Collections and Museum Services!

Amy holds a Master’s degree in Library Information Science with a Certificate in Archives Management. Amy has worked in a variety of positions at the Library District including Manager of the Greenhorn Valley library. She is currently serving as Manager of the Reference and Readers Advisory Adult Services Department. In addition to her library services and management experience, Amy has developed museum quality exhibits and has demonstrated leadership in district-wide initiatives. Amy will be an excellent leader for Special Collections and Museum Services.

As Amy transitions to this new role, we are recruiting a Manager of R&RA Services. The position of R&RA Manager will be posted internally only through Friday, September 27th. If you are interested in this position, please apply as soon as possible. The position may be posted externally later. During the transition please note that Sara Rose is the interim Special Collections and Museum Services Manager through October 28th, when Amy will assume her new role.

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