As you all know, if you need help from Facilities, currently you call 411 and someone who answers will do everything that they can to get you the help that you need.
A couple of pointers for making this phone call:
1) Speak clearly and at regular volume. Please do not whisper or mumble. You are conveying important information and the UIC folks really want to help.
2) Introduce yourself and tell them where you are, "My name is Janina and I'm in Rawlings Circulation" or "My name is Andrew and I'm calling from Lamb."
3) State that you are calling them because you need facilities' help, "I'm calling because we need Facilities to help clean up a giant kool-aid spill."
4) Answer any questions they might have to ensure that the problem is resolved.
A couple of pointers for making this phone call:
1) Speak clearly and at regular volume. Please do not whisper or mumble. You are conveying important information and the UIC folks really want to help.
2) Introduce yourself and tell them where you are, "My name is Janina and I'm in Rawlings Circulation" or "My name is Andrew and I'm calling from Lamb."
3) State that you are calling them because you need facilities' help, "I'm calling because we need Facilities to help clean up a giant kool-aid spill."
4) Answer any questions they might have to ensure that the problem is resolved.