PCCLD moved to Phase 6 of its reopening plan earlier this week. Phase 6 involves several important changes, but, perhaps, none more noticeable than new practices regarding wearing face masks and physical distancing. PCCLD now encourages staff and the public to wear masks and practice physical distancing inside libraries, but these are no longer required and PCCLD employees are not expected to police this behavior.
Moving forward, PCCLD will respect each individual’s personal decision to wear a face mask and physically distance or not. The federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) are citing new data showing those who are fully vaccinated are largely protected from COVID-19 and from spreading the Coronavirus to others whether or not they wear a face mask or physically distance. The CDC and CDPHE urge--but do not require--those who are unvaccinated to make the prudent choice to wear a face mask and practice physical distancing when inside shared public spaces as the best protection for the unvaccinated against COVID-19 disease. Watch this brief video for more about PCCLD’s latest COVID-19 practices: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sv4T7IVbkKRmPzb5vmhnlWHfElF-bNnM/view.
We appear to be nearer than ever to ending the pandemic. Vaccines have been vital in helping with this, and PCCLD supports employees and the general public who choose to inoculate against the Coronavirus. PCCLD staff are doing a good job with approximately 85 percent so far having made the choice to vaccinate. Convenient vaccination clinics will be hosted soon at local libraries and unvaccinated employees may take advantage of these to receive a vaccine while at work. The CDPHE’s mobile vaccination clinics will be administering Pfizer and one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccines from 1 to 6 p.m. at libraries, as follows:
· May 25, Greenhorn Valley Library
· May 26, Giodone Library
· May 28, Pueblo West Library
· June 8, Lucero Library
· June 9, Lamb Library
· June 10, Barkman Library
· June 11, Rawlings Library
Visit www.pueblolibrary.org/Vaccine to make an appointment. Walk-in appointments are welcome, too. For those receiving the Pfizer vaccine, a second dose clinic will be scheduled four weeks after the initial vaccination.
Jon Walker
Executive Director