You should be are aware of a challenge facing our award-winning local libraries. There are a few reasons for this, importantly including a local tax dedicated to libraries that is scheduled to expire this year. This tax has been in place since 1999 and is scheduled to sunset at the end of this year in 2019. I am asked how to support the library in light of this. My first recommendation is to stay informed. The library’s governing Board of Trustees decided on Thursday night to refer a measure to the ballot in November asking voters to continue this expiring library tax. See this Chieftain article coverage this: It is a modest tax that costs a homeowner $4.30 per year for every $100,000 of actual home value. This is less than 36 cents per month for the Best Library in America! As you know library employees cannot get involved in a campaign while at work, but, if asked, you can answer questions about the November library issue and the campaign. It is important to know a group of concerned citizens have organized in support of continuing the local library tax. This is not something PCCLD is doing but there is a separate grassroots effort of people who care about our community, who love the library, and who want our public library to continue to be the best. The group is Vote Yes Pueblo Library Proud. Individuals can reach this committee at This is an important time for our public library. More information about the ballot measure available online at