Be sure to get the word out to our patrons about our new service... Pueblo City-County Library District will offer thousands of streaming movies, TV shows, music albums and audiobooks for mobile and other devices through a new service called hoopla digital. Hoopla digital has a simple sign-up and interface.There’s no waiting to borrow popular movies, TV shows, music albums or audiobooks. The automatic return feature eliminates late fees. To access the system on a mobile device, first d o w n l o a d the free hoopla digital app from the App Store to an Android or IOS device. There is no need to download an app or extension for an Internet browser. Once the app has been downloaded to the device(s), click on the hoopla digital link A prompt to enter an email address, password, library card number and PIN will appear. After entering the information correctly, the system will validate the account, and borrowing can begin. Come see what all the hoopla’s about: