How do we....?????

Author: Janina.Goodwin / Date:
A few questions have come up recently about HOW we do things?  Processes and procedures are in place for a reason and should be practiced consistently so customers have a good customer service experience, no matter which library they use.  It’s important that we occasionally examine these procedures to ensure we are all providing service with excellence, and in the same way.

Below are three customer service topics recently discussed by the managers, and the results of the discussion.  Please read these so you can implement these consistent practices immediately.

Telephone customer service: to place holds or devices or not to place holds for devices, that is the question:
*YES!  While on the phone with customers, if they would like to place a hold on a device, please do!
Renewing devices vs. checking in and checking out: devices (tablets and laptops) cannot be renewed by the customer.  However, if there is no hold on the device – can we check it out to the customer again? 
*YES!  If there is no hold on a device that a customer would like to use again, please check it in and check it back out to them.  For laptops this requires re-freshing the checkout form.  Sometimes you may have them checkout a different device to ensure that all of the devices maintain their updates – but either way – let’s make this work!
Requiring a PIN for certain items at checkout: if a customer needs to check out an item from the desk, do we require that they provide a PIN?
*YES!  The checkout experience at the desk should mirror the experience they have at self-check.  There might be items that cannot be checked out at the self-check for a variety of reasons, but the PIN provides added security that the card is in the hands of the correct user.  So, please require that they provide their PIN when checking out at a staff desk.  If a customer does not understand this, please let them know that this is a added security measure that is in place to protect their account from abuse.  (Sometimes it is reasonable to not require the PIN.  An example might be if they are checking out at the desk because there was an error on the item at the self-check.  If you've observed them successfully access their account at the self-check, this would be unnecessary...but that is an exception.)
Do you have any customer service questions?  Send them my way and the PSMs are happy to chat some more!!!! 

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.