Great Websites for Kids Recommended by ALSC

Author: Maria.Kramer / Date:
The Association for Library Services to Children has added some new sites to their list of recommended websites for kids! From podcasts, to games, to Spanish language sites - these websites could be good recommendations for your young patrons, or provide ideas for your own programs. Take a look!

The Radio Adventures of Eleanor Amplified - - "An adventure podcast for your little do-gooder."
Space Scoop - - News and articles about space.
Babyradio (español) - - An online, Spanish-language radio station for ages 0-9 and their parents. Also has recipes, recommended book lists, and activities and games for parents and kids to try at home.
LEGO Star Wars (español) - - Games and videos for Spanish-speaking lego fans.
Engineering, Go for It! (eGFI) - - eGFI aims to interest students in careers in engineering. Articles, interviews with real engineers, and more!
NRICH - - Math activities for all ages.
Choose My Plate - - Nutrition and health info.
Girls' Life - - An online magazine.
KinderArt - - Ideas for art activities for children.

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