District begins contactless delivery, reopen book drops

Author: Ann.Boyden / Date:
PUEBLO, Colo. — Starting Monday, May 4, Pueblo City-County Library District will offer curbside pickup and mail service delivery of library materials. Additionally, all outdoor book drops will reopen at Barkman, Greenhorn Valley, Tom L. and Anna Marie Giodone, Lamb, Patrick A. Lucero, Pueblo West and Robert Hoag Rawlings Public Library. All PCCLD buildings remain closed to the public at this time.
Patrons can check out new materials by placing them on “hold” through the district’s online catalog, https://catalog.pueblolibrary.org/, and request curbside pickup when choosing the pickup location. This service is available during normal business hours, up to 30 minutes before closing. Returns are not accepted at curbside pickup; patrons must use the outdoor book drops when returning materials. At this time the Library @ the Y will reopen when the Pueblo YMCA reopens.
To request curbside pickup, patrons will select “(branch name) Curbside” from the drop down menu under the “pickup location” heading in the library’s online catalog, https://catalog.pueblolibrary.org/. A library staffer will call the phone number listed in the contact information to arrange a pickup time; times will be set within 10 minute windows.
Each branch has dedicated parking spaces for patron pickup. Once there, patrons are asked to call the phone number listed on signs to let staff know they’ve arrived. For confirmation, patrons are asked to have a photo ID ready to show staff through the car window. All items will be bagged and placed into the waiting vehicle; patrons are asked to have a door or trunk already open. Normal borrowing rules apply; to learn more please visit, www.pueblolibrary.org/about/borrowingrules.
Attending staff will wear personal protective equipment including face masks, protective gowns and gloves, and follow public health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Patrons who choose not to leave their homes can receive library materials by mail. When placing a hold in the library catalog, choose "Mail Delivery" as the pick-up location. Library staff will call to verify the patron's card number and address. Items will then be checked out on the customer's account for one month and mailed directly to their residence. Patrons will be responsible for returning the items during that time. Items can be returned by mail or any PCCLD book drop. Items can be renewed by calling the library directly at 562-5607. 
Currently there are more than 45,000 materials checked out; they all have a due date of May 31. No fines will be made at this time. Prior to Gov. Jared Polis’ Stay at Home order, an average of 2,000 items were returned to PCCLD locations daily.
PCCLD is continuing to follow mandates from Gov. Polis, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment to guide the protection of patrons, staff and overall community.
Follow PCCLD on Facebook and check the library’s website, www.pueblolibrary.org, for the latest updates.

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.